But for me it was a special weekend as I finally got to meet someone from my mission. Elder Lawrence Cole and I have gone through training together and still meet weekly with our "West Coast" buddies from training. So this was a kind of reunion of two missionaries who have never met. We turned a few head as we went around to the three meetings of the block together with our badges on. Laura - thanks for taking the pictures.
Mission Progess - Not bad. I took 14 phone calls in 3 days and have done 3 emails today. Strangest call - a lady concerned about a genealogist who contacted her grown daughter on Facebook and had the family genealogy down to a marriage 2 weeks ago. Her husband was sure the Church was publishing their private lives. I assured her we weren't and gave her some tips on where to look to see if their data was posted somewhere online.
Prop 8 - The update is an up and down thing. We won! But the battle is just beginning. Protest marches everywhere. Chaples and temples picketed and spray painted. This may become a good test of faith precluding the last days. I am sure we will all have more to experience on this topic.
Birthdays comming up: Heidi the 14th and Maree on the 16th. Hey, have great birthdays daughters. Don't even breath a word as to your ages - it just makes me feel older. Funny, we started and ended our family on the same week of the year. Love you all!
1 comment:
sweet pics! I tagged you in my blog... check it out!
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