Thursday, October 30, 2008

Grandpa Jim is 100!

Today would have been my father's 100th birthday. It has been almost a quarter century since he died. Time has really flown by. The sad thing is amost none of us even remember him in this life. I am going to post some pictures of him in his memory today.

Grandpa Jim had a rough life as a young man. His father died in a mine accident when he was just 10. His widowed mother went to live with her mother in the Pima Valley of Arizona and also lived in the Los Angeles area around the time the LA Colleseum was built. He went to high school in the Pima Valley and they got a car. He charged kids from around their home a fee to cover the cost of the rides so that they could afford to have the car. He went joy riding one day during school with the stake president's son and got pulled over by the cops. They were taken to the town magistrate, Spencer Kimball, who read him the riot act. He said one lecture from Spencer was sufficient.

If you have a grandpa Jim story feel free to add it.


Maree said...

I remember LOTS about Gpa Jim. Fishing, smoking, beer, Welch's Grape Soda, walks down to the corner liquor store, trips to the coast, and the way he'd say he was watching the TV when he was sleeping ("only resting my eyes"). He loved tobasco on his eggs in the morning, and he worked for the railroad. Gpa. Jim had a very unique laugh, which I can still hear in my head today--kind of wheezy. He got active in the Church and took Grandma Betty (and you) to the Temple.

I was thinking about doing a tribute, and realized that I don't have any pictures of him. I still remember!

Laura Keith said...

He and Gma Betty took me to the coast and we went fishing off the Cayucas Pier. Grampa caught one fish, Grandma caught two, and I caught 8 fish! Being that it was my first time fishing, I thought I was hot stuff. Of course, we didn't eat them. Gave the poor fish to some men on the pier who were fishing as well. What was the point? I don't know, but it sure was fun!