Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Sunday Night

I don't know what it is lately about Sunday night dinners but that is all I have been blogging.

What don't I want to blog about? Well NOT Fresno State's tanking against Wisconsin. Too depressing to even write any more about.

As most of you know Gandpa Birdie (AKA Bob Blessing) has been having a tough time of it. His physical health hasn't been good. He still misses Grandma terribly; and, now he is have skin cancer problems. I took this picture of him and Ruby last Sunday so you can see the scar on his forehead and possibly the one on his arm. He is going in this week for a whole body scan and in another week to the plastic surgeon who will reopen the head wound, make sure all the cancer is gone and put it back together better.

Ruby the crazy dog. As you know Ruby is Grandpa's little child. They go visiting together. Sunday night Ruby decided to climb up on the couch and just park there and then went and hid behind the cushion. Crazy dog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't call my dog crazy! she's just.......sheltered. haha