Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How is my mission training going?

It doesn't seem possible that I am 6 weeks into training for this mission. My how the time flies. Anyway, I have been keeping busy. We have from 2 to 4 group meeting a week using Adobe presentation software so the 25 of us who live all over the world can meet together, listen to a live lesson - see it on powerpoints delivered to our computer - and even participate orally in the presentation. Then there is the lesson material we have to study and practice activities we have to do.
Here are some computer programs I have to learn:
and, Siebel.
I am sure many of you have heard of Skype. I use it daily to keep in touch with our trainers and with eachother, get questions answered and assist eachother.
Clarify is the churches system for answering email requests that come into Salt Lake relating to products (like new FamilySearch, Ancestral File, PAF, indexing, etc.), research (actually answering research questions, and operations (like family history center problems.) I have actually answered three email from the real data base with my trainer watching my every move. Soon I will be out there on my own.
Kanisa - This is the knowledge base that the church uses to place documents that answer questions to "all" the things people write or call in about. Unfortunately it doesn't answer all questions and the intuitive nature of the progeam leaves a lot to be desired.
Siebel - This is my newest tool to learn. It is the telephone answering program the church uses. I can log in to Siebel and tell it I am available for phone calls and it will automatically transfer calls that come in for newFamilySearch support to me! This is one I have only played around with so far - practicing answering calls from other trainees but by next week I will get to answer a couple live.
Trainers - Sister Tychonievich (better known as Sister T for obvious reasons) - is our lead trainer. She lives in eastern Ohio. In fact the other day we had to have a substitute because good old hurricane Ike wiped out the power in the area where she lived. She had to drive to a neighboring city were they had power just to get an email out telling everyone she wasn't available. She is in the Primary presidency in her ward. Brother Russ Perry is my personal assistant trainer. We meet weekly for performance checks, he can answer my questions, and he watches what I do in live activities using a desktop capture tool. He lives in Roy, Utah, and is the stake clerk in his stake.
All in all this is a great experience so far and will only get better when I can actually get to do something.


parkesphoto said...

your retired!?!
I'm up late once again with a fussy baby and browsing the net and found you. Hope your well. So very excited to see you have another grandchild on the way. Congrats. Mariana
you can find me here

award said...

It sounds like you are having a lot of FUN! You know, in the MTC you have to practice giving the discussions with other "experienced" missionaries watching you and then critiquing you afterwards. Well, at least that was what we had to do "back in the day". This too shall pass!

Laura Keith said...

Keep it up missionary man! Love you!