Sunday, July 20, 2008

Denali Park Day 2

Today we had to be on a bus at 6:05 AM!!!! We took a 9 hour plus Wilderness and Tundra Tour of Denali Park where we traveled by bus 65 miles back into the wilds of the park. Denali is a generally undeveloped and unimproved park. No trails, only 5 or so camp sites. Almost no improvements so it can be considered true wilderness. It rained most of the day, and since most of the trip was on gravel roads, the bus and windows were constantly covered in mud. The poor driver had to clean the windows at every stop. That was great but within a minute the windows would be covered over again.
Wildlife - we saw all kinds of wildlife. We saw hares, foxes, bear, Dall sheep, caribou, and elk. Most of the time the wildlife moved to fast or were too far away for me to get a good picture. Here is a bear we found sleeping it off in the tundra.Back in "town" after our exhausting trip we did a little shopping. Town is all of a block or two of stores along one side of the highway. The building were all linked by a boardwalk. The pillars holding up the overhang were a covered with burls and were quite unique.

The "Salmon Bake" was the one real restaurant in town and it was excellent. I had the best salmon I had in Alaska.

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