Monday, July 14, 2008

Skagway, Alaska

The next port of call was Skagway, a small port that played a big part in the Alaska Gold Rush in 1898. It was one of two ports that most all the gold miners came to to begin their trek into the heart of Alaska to find gold.While we were there Dad picked up a new friend.They have one of the snowplow trains there in the city park. That big wheel would spin and toss all the snow to the side. The snow on this line got to 10 and 12 feet deep.This is a statue depicting the gold rushers setting off. They had to carry a year's supplies with them. That is two to three tons of food, etc. They would do it in relays. Taking as much as they could carry a mile or two and then caching it and going back for more until all the supplies had been moved. It took months for them to get over the pass that we traveled by train.First we got to visit Liarsville - a reconstructed gold mining camp. We got to pan for gold - I got 4 flakes and mom got three. I never got her picture because I got sidetracked.This is the train we traveled on. What views!Mom saw this bus and wanted a fast trip home. They use buses that have gone everywhere and their old locations are still on the roll and they like to change them for fun. (It really was our bus.)

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