Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Going to Be a Missionary

There are times you don't want grass to grow under you. With less than one week of retirement under my belt, Wednesday, June 16th, I looked at the poster advertising World Wide Support Missionaries for the 100th time and wrote down the data. When we got home I checked out the information on lds.org and found out the contact person had changed. Upon looking at the information online, there was a link "Contact Us" and I did and sent an email. The automatic reply said it would be three or four days for the contact person to reply. Well we were leaving for San Diego in the morning and I didn't expect to hear anything until we got back but by 8:00 AM the next morning I had a reply from Elder Nilsson with a presentation attached and an invitation to call him if I was still interested. I viewed the presentation and called him and had a nice chat. He said I would have to have my computer checked to see if it was adequate for the work and my computer skills would need to be checked too. That didn't happen until we got back to Fresno on the 21st (during the final game of the College World Series no less.) By the 23rd I had another call from Elder Nilsson stating that all was go for using my computer and when was I going to get the missionary papers in (he wasn't pushing or anything - HaHa). I called the executive secretary and asked for an interview with Bishop Clason. That happened during Sunday School on Mom's birthday. We passed the papers on to Bro. Thomas, the stake executive secretary, that morning and he said the stake presidency would meet today (the 23rd) and that Pres. Parker would probably sign it and fax it to Salt Lake. Well that is what they did, so here I am at 60 waiting for my mission call. Cool. Here is what the web site says about this mission:
Family & Church History - Worldwide Support (#809) » Serve a part-time mission answering questions from patrons about family history products and /or software. Missionaries respond to phone calls and e-mails from their own homes.
Wait until the grandkids get to see me with a missionary badge!

1 comment:

Maree said...

What do you mean wait until the GRANDKIDS can see your badge?! It will be a thrill for your REGULAR KIDS--we know you've waited a LONG time to be able to be a missionary. Way to go!!!