Friday, July 11, 2008

Ketchikan, Alaska

Ketchikan, Alaska - Our first stop was Ketchikan, a little community in the far southeast corner of Alaska. It is a place of rain - 200 or more inches a year! It is a shopper's paradise - with hundreds of shops to drain you of your money.
Here is our ship from the dock.

Our room is on the top deck of balcony rooms immediately above the man. The thing sticking out is the bridge - we could look right in when we wanted to.Our first stop was a little museum called the Totom Heritage Center where they have preserved dozens of original totom poles and provide information on their meaning. Each pole tells a story and they are very similar to Greek mythology in the stories they tell.We went from there out of town a few miles to the Potlatch Park where a man has recreated a native village that also explains totoms and also explains the Potlatch ceremony. People gave a potlatch to show people how wealthy they were. You invited everyone from all around and essentially gave away all you had - all your wealth - so they would know how generous you were.
Towards the end of the day Mom sat down and had a guest visitor come by.After Ketichan we took off into the sea and ended up in a rough sea and the ship was rolling all over the place. We went to a stage show in the evening and I was amazed that the lady who was the guest singer could just stand there without swaying and sing her heart out. None of the guests could walk a straight line and most could hardly stand up.

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